Home Tutors Required (All Areas)

Post Date: 2024-6-19 3:49, Expiry Date: 2024-9-17 3:49, IP:, visits:1090

ID: 935883

Location: Singapore

Type: Offered

Phone: WhatsApp 86433562

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We need Tutors for Immediate Home Tuition Assignments
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Upload your Tutor Profile now at
Tutor Zone – Edupoint SG

Dear Tutors,
We have just revamped our website, to include Tutor Listing. Clients will view the listings and select suitable tutors. It would highly advantageous for tutors seeking assignments to upload their profile. This is where you shine!

The Tutor Profile listing will only display the following:
• Profile Image
• Username
• Gender
• Preferred Tutoring Regions
• Qualification
• Educational History
• Tutoring Levels & Subjects
• About Me

Privacy Matters
We value our tutors’ privacy and as such your personal details like Name, Mobile Number & Email will NOT be displayed in the Tutor Listings. These will be secured in Edupoint Tutor Records & hidden from public view.

Profile Image
A personal image is always preferred. If you do not feel comfortable, you can upload another image e.g. of your pet or scenery.

Why Upload Profile
Uploading your Profile will mean more client traffic for the website which will mean more assignments for you. Help yourself by helping us!

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While you are in the website, you will be prompted to allow Edupoint SG to Push Notifications. Subscribe & Allow. You will receive notifications when you open your browser. Get onboard & stay informed!
Note: Works best with Chrome, Edge & Firefox.

Home Tutors Required (All Areas)

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